It's Always the Husband by Michele Campbell
Title: It’s Always the Husband Author: Michele Campbell Genre: Suspense/Psychological Thriller Three college roommates: Jenny who has always been a critical and logical thinker. She lives with her husband Tom in the small town of Carlisle where they grew up, went to college and where she is now the Mayor. Aubrey , who was always more of a follower than a leader, is a married mother and successful yoga instructor in the same town. Kate Eastman , who has never worked a day in her life, is a New Yorker who only moved to Carlisle for college. Kate has always been suicidal. A homicide investigation in Carlisle, almost 20 years after the tragic accident that led to their demise, threatens to bring up ancient town secrets that ought to have been buried two decades ago. How far are the roommates willing to go to keep their secrets hidden? Is anything ever an accident in Carlisle? The book switches between the present time and...